Tuesday 5 January 2016

Published 07:34 by with 0 comment

If Obama Can Be Accused Of Dictatorship By Republicans; Buhari Should Ignore PDP

Obama government has been accused of dictatorship, fascism and tyranny by Republicans. Reason Buhari should Ignore PDP

It is not uncommon for opposition parties to label sitting president of a ruling party a Dictator. This is usually a way of venting frustration when Presidents make decisions that does not favour the opposition. The aim of this article is to bring to our notice of some instances Barrack Obama have been accused of abusing power by the opposition (Republicans) in the United State “the world most advanced democracy”. For those who are writing barrack Obama about Buhari abuse of power, they are wasting their time because Barrack Obama knows what it feels like to be labelled dictator, fascist or tyrant by opposition party. 

it is difficult for you to be a serious and passionate executive leader in presidential system of government without being accused of tyranny by opposition. This s because in presidential system of government, the president has a lot of "gray area power" or executive order which tend to overlap both Judiciary and legislatures. Absolute Separation of power cannot exist in a Presidential system of Government. It is completely Impossible. it only exist in textbooks and internet articles. Nigeria legislatures under David mark in a last minute constitutional amendments, try to remove many of these "gray area power" of the president. This they did after the election. Goodluck Jonathan in his wisdom refused to sign the amendment into law despite the fact that he has lost his election. Apart from his peaceful acceptance of defeat, this is one of the greatest good thing Goodluck Jonathan did for Nigeria. 

Below are numerous quotes where Obama government and supreme court has been accused of dictatorship, abuse of power, fascism, authoritarianism, tyranny etc in the United states of America by opposition Republicans. Such cases are so many. But I will only states a few here.

Rep. Randy Weber of Texas, meanwhile, sent out a message blasting the president as a lying “Socialistic dictator” shortly before “Commandant-In-Chief” Obama began issuing his extreme threats to rule over America unilaterally. In a series of State of the Union twitter posts, Weber, who represents former Congressman Ron Paul’s district, also slammed Obama over everything from the Benghazi scandal and trashing the United States to his “phone and pen” scheming.


With Congress away on recess and the American people distracted by the holidays, Obama’s New Year’s amnesty power-play is classic dictator. This 181-page immigration amnesty rule is an unconstitutional assault on America’s workers. Why are we robbing seniors and veterans of their hard-earned benefits to give handouts to illegal immigrants and foreign blue-collar workers? Why did we fight a revolution against the tyranny of one, unelected monarch so we could surrender our Constitution to this out-of-control president? By Republican presidential candidate and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R)


This year Texas Republican Representative Lamar Smith told Fox’s Stuart Varney, “This is a President who has, in an unprecedented way, used executive orders, executive actions, to go around Congress.” I did some digging, and found that our Fascist In Chief has issued a whopping 219 executive orders during his time as President. The right is right: this man is out of control.

Regarding a different Obama executive action, House Speaker John Boehner said, “President Obama has cemented his legacy of lawlessness”; he once even threatened a law suit. Charles Krauthammer considered it an “impeachable offence.”

Ted Cruz, whose spokeswoman Catherine Frazier this weekend called Obama's plan "complete lunacy," said on Monday the President "is once again going to abuse his power to try seize our guns."
Republicans immediately and predictably went off the rails as soon as the president mentioned executive action and guns. Rep. Paul Broun said, “There is a tremendous potential for a horrendous public backlash against the president if he continues the policies that he has been doing of trying to go around Congress, create law and be a dictator like he’s been doing.”

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) accused the president of abusing his power, “Making matters worse is that President Obama is again abusing his power by imposing his policies via executive fiat instead of allowing them to be debated in Congress. President Obama’s frustration with our republic and the way it works doesn’t give him license to ignore the Constitution.”

Rep. Darrell Issa said, “The president’s imperial behavior and his abuse of power didn’t begin with the Second Amendment. He did it with immigration. He’s certainly done it with the Obamacare. So, once again, it’s a president exceeding his intended authority.”

” Huckabee said in the statement. “I will not acquiesce to an imperial court any more than our Founders acquiesced to an imperial British monarch. We must resist and reject judicial tyranny, not retreat.” by Republican presidential candidate and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R)

Indeed, some Republican candidates were scathing Thursday in their assessment of the decision. Mike Huckabee, the former Republican governor of Arkansas, termed it “an out-of-control act of judicial tyranny.” Ted Cruz, the senator from Texas, accused the high court of usurping the role of Congress. “Unelected judges have once again become legislators, and bad ones at that,” he said.

A coalition of at least 74 representatives so far has also introduced a resolution to “Stop This Overreaching Presidency” (STOP) that would bring legal action against Obama for unconstitutional executive orders. “It is sad that we must take this step for the President to follow his Constitutional duty but given yesterday's speech it is clear the President does not respect the balance of power our Founders intended,” said Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.). “Sorry Mr. President, but the Constitution trumps both your pen and phone.”

Another prominent Texas Republican, Rep. Steve Stockman, walked out during Obama’s speech, noting that the president’s abuse of executive orders to legislate without Congress was unconstitutional. “I could not bear to watch as he continued to cross the clearly-defined boundaries of the Constitutional separation of powers,” Stockman said, noting that Obama still refuses to admit that his policies have failed. Indeed, the president’s agenda of higher taxes and spending represent a “blueprint for perpetual poverty,” he said.
“Even worse, Obama has openly vowed to break his oath of office and begin enacting his own brand of law through executive decree,” continued Stockman, who has publicly suggested that there was already enough support in the House of Representatives to impeach Obama for numerous crimes. “This is a wholesale violation of his oath of office and a disqualifying offense.” Stockman has also called for a special prosecutor to investigate.

After the speech, Rep. Steve King of Iowa noted that it was the job of Congress to pass laws, and that Obama knows that full-well. “This threat that the president is going to run the government with an ink pen and executive orders, we’ve never had a president with that level of audacity and that level of contempt for his own oath of office,” the congressman explained about the administration’s lawless threats to bypass lawmakers. “We need to take our oath seriously and defend the Constitution.”

Rep. Raúl Labrador of Idaho, responding to the outrageous schemes to make Congress irrelevant, blasted the machinations in a press release as well. “Unfortunately, what I heard from President Obama tonight was hostility toward our foundational principles, condescension toward a co-equal branch of government, and a general aversion to common sense and bipartisanship,” he said. Rep. Gregg Harper of Mississippi, meanwhile, said Obama had attempted to “intimidate Congress by abusing executive power.”

In the Senate, multiple liberty-minded senators also expressed outrage over Obama’s plans to essentially rule America by decree. Sen. Mike Lee of Utah, who offered a response for the Tea Party, pointed out that the real inequality plaguing America is the result of government — “every time it takes rights and opportunities away from the American people and gives them instead to politicians, bureaucrats and special interests.”
However, Lee also acknowledged that Obama and his party were not the only guilty ones. “The Republican establishment in Washington can be just as out-of-touch as the Democratic Establishment,” he said. “I believe we need to do what Americans have always done — come together and press for positive change. Protesting against dysfunctional government is a great American tradition, going back to the original tea party in Boston, about 240 years ago.”

Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, widely considered among the frontrunners for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination, released a stinging rebuke of Obama’s threats in a widely celebrated 10-minute video. “President Obama and the Washington elite are driving our great nation right into the ground,” he said, adding that many Republicans were contributing to the problem. “From ignoring the Constitution to drowning our children and grandchildren in unbearable debt, President Obama and Washington politicians on both sides of the aisle are destroying everything that America stands for.”

Another popular senator who has earned broad respect for his efforts to rein in lawless government, Ted Cruz of Texas, also had harsh words for the Obama administration. “Of all the troubling aspects of the Obama presidency, none is more dangerous than the president's persistent pattern of lawlessness, his willingness to disregard the written law and instead enforce his own policies via executive fiat,” Sen. Cruz wrote in the Wall Street Journal. “The president's taste for unilateral action to circumvent Congress should concern every citizen, regardless of party or ideology.”



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